It's never too late to begin the healing process from childhood sexual abuse. It's never too early to fall in love with the person God created you to be. Long ago someone made a choice to take away your innocence, but today that someone can't touch your freedom to heal.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ignoring the Mountain? Perhaps You Need a Tool for the Climb

You can choose to ignore mountains. You can try to bypass them. You can stand at the bottom and shout at the top of your lungs, “Move you Stupid Mountain!” and kick it with all your might. Ouch! Or you can pray for the mountain to move.

And I believe that sometimes God moves mountains. Miraculously. Gone. Out of here.

But in cases of sexual abuse, I think he chooses differently. I think he wants you to climb. He wants you to uncover the hidden secrets, expose the festering lies. No secrets and silence in his kingdom. He is the sum total opposite of all that sexual abuse creates. For God to move this mountain would be for him to ignore what happened to you. I think he loves you just too darn much to do that.

You see, God hates sexual abuse. He even included it in his Holy Book. In 2 Samuel 13, the story of Tamar, King David’s daughter, he shows the results of sexual abuse glossed over, ignored, hidden by man. I think it’s his warning to us of mountains ignored. It’s a tragic story. No happy endings here. A young woman ends up desolate and a brother dead.

It saddens me to think of survivors’ marriages suffering in isolation and often ending up dead. So here are two tools for the climb.

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Sexual abuse never just stops with one victim. It ripples. As these books' back covers so aptly say, “BECAUSE WHEN SHE HURTS, YOU HURT" and "BECAUSE WHEN HE HURTS, YOU HURT."

Please, don't ignore the mountains, there's too much at risk. But choose to climb—together.

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